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A One Week Bike Trip in Holland

Day 1 - Arrival in Amsterdam

Dutch bicycle route marker

We arrived at Schiphol about 7 AM, and, first things first, found a toilet - no problem. Next, we headed for the baggage area and while waiting for our duffel bags, located an ATM machine. On the first attempt the machine won't give me the amount I ask for. I tried a lower amount, f800, but it said my limit is f750, so still no money. By this time, our luggage had arrived (faster than most US airports) - no problems here. My son and I than tried a different ATM machine, and settled for f150 each.

We than headed for the train platform, where we purchased two tickets to Amsterdam for f6.25 each. We were on the train at 8:30 AM. Arriving at the Amsterdam train station we purchased a strippencart each (for f11.50 each) and headed for the hostel, which was crowded with people waiting to check in. Since it was too early to check in, we rented a locker (self-service, f2.50), crammed both duffel bags in, and bought tickets for a canal sightseeing tour (f13.50 for two). It was interesting, and our guide was entertaining, joking in several languages.

After the tour we returned to the train station to pick up any tourist info we could find, then headed over to the Red Light district to check it out. I guess being still early in the day, there wasn't too much activity, though we did see some ladies in the windows. We found the Hard Rock Cafe store in the area, and bought two T-shirts (f35 each). Back at the hostel, we were able to check in (f34.50 each for the first night and f90 for a room for two for the second (Sunday) night), and bought tickets to the Van Gogh Museum (f23) for Sunday.

Matt standing in the Leidseplein
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Matt in Leidseplein
Not wanting to leave our stuff unattended in our room, we rented a locker again (another f2.50) and headed out to dinner. We picked out a place near the Leidseplein at random (Italian) and charged dinner (f37 for two) on Matt's charge card. Wandering back to the hostel we stopped to watch the buskers in the square - they were fairly entertaining.

Our room in the hostel
Matt in the hostel room
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The hostel room, which held 6 people and was full, was very quiet - people weren't unfriendly, we were just reserved in the presence of strangers I guess. There were no problems, as people seemed to try to be respectful of the other people in the room. We went to bed about 10 PM. The beds were good, and we had no need for the sheets that we had brought with us (we never did use them during the entire trip.) Matt did complain though that the beds were too short for his liking.

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Preparations Day 2 - Sightseeing in Amsterdam

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Last updated 1 May, 2002